New Law Expands Eligibility for Probation and Services

On August 20, Gov. Bruce Rauner signed into law SB3388, the Adult Redeploy Illinois (ARI) Eligibility Expansion bill. BPI served as lead advocate for this legislation, which provides access to programs that offer probation and rehabilitation services instead of prison sentences to persons who have committed certain violent offenses

SB 3388

Under this new law, effective January 1, each of the state’s 23 ARI sites will have more authority to determine which individuals will be enrolled in its programs. Nearly 2,000 additional offenders will be eligible for rehabilitative services such as cognitive, behavioral and trauma therapy and substance abuse treatment instead of a sentence to the Illinois Department of Corrections.

Sponsored by Sen. James F. Clayborne and Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth, SB 3388 was passed with strong bipartisan support in both chambers of the General Assembly. Congratulations to all who made this significant change in policy happen: all of the bill’s co-sponsors, the Adult Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board, our justice reform partners, as well as each of the ARI sites across the state.It is BPI’s expectation that this new law will not only reduce the state’s prison population, but will also decrease crime, reduce recidivism, and lower governmental costs.

Visit these links for more information on SB3388:

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